by Spike Milligan
A little girl called Sile Javotte
Said ‘Look at the lovely presents I’ve got’
While a little girl in Biafra said
‘Oh what a lovely slice of bread’. – – – – –The SCQ wishes you a Happy Holidays, and invites you to please enjoy (or re-enjoy) some of our holiday flavoured pieces. We’ll return with new material in the New Year.
Miracle on the 34th Replicate (by Vince LiCata)
A Note from Santa about Global Warming (by George Motisher)
It’s a Wonderful Lab (by Vince LiCata)
T’was the Night ‘Fore the Conference (A Visit from Saint Aquinas) (by Chris Long)
A Bio-Christmas Carol (by Vince LiCata)
Is There a Santa? (by Paul Clarkson)
Rant from a Glacier – Concerned, Bitter, and Somehwere Near the North Pole (By David Ng)