So Much Candy Data, Seriously

As promised, here is the candy hierarchy data for 2017. (Released Oct 25th @1:45pm PST. Will provide updated xlsx file on Oct 31st as well)

xlsx | csv | txt (d&t) | surveyQ pdf | n=2460

If you tag your work with #candyhierarchy2017 or #statscandy, I’ll do my best to aggregate efforts here (and also possibly at BoingBoing for a round up piece).
Note that traditionally, we’ve plotted a figure based on a “Net Feelies” metric (=#JOY-#DESPAIR). We also have additional meta data affiliated with demographics, and some questions that link to other potential datasets (see actual survey for context – pdf). This includes a hidden proxy question designed to pick out political affiliation – red vs blue vs green vs independent M&Ms (except that it clearly doesn’t work).

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Note that this year’s #candyhierarchy was published on October 30th at Boing Boing. You can read the full report at

(here’s the main figure below – click to enlarge. Full resolution pdf available here)

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Also, if you want to look for longitudinal effects, you also have access to previous datasets. Unfortunate quirks in the data include the fact that the 2014 data is not the raw set (can’t seem to find it), and in 2015, the candy preference was queried without the MEH option. Apologies for that – it will make the data wrangling much more messy if you plan on looking at longitudinal effects.

2016 xlsx (notes | publication | n=1232)

2015 xlsx, googlesheet (notes | publication | n=5459)

2014 xlxs (notes | publication | n=1286)

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Examples of data wrangling:
If you’re posting on social media, please tag with #candyhierarchy or #statscandy.
1. (general top and bottom ranked candies according to log ratio joy/despair)

2. (heat map of news media clicking):

3. (similarly rated candies in the candy hierarchy data for 2017)

4. (Candy Corn analysis: pushback to Vogue analysis)