From creative


Characters: Dr. Scrooge Young Scrooge Teen Scrooge Scrooge’s mother Dr. Jacob Marley Graduate Student Bob Cratchett Bob Cratchett’s wife Tiny Tina The Spirit of Christmas Past, a Developmental Biologist The Spirit of Christmas Present, a Biochemist The Spirit of Christmas Future, an Evolutionary Biologist Faculty member #1 Faculty member #2 A boy (14 characters if singly cast. Several parts could be double cast. Scrooge can be either male or female. The Spirits and Faculty Members can also be either gender). – – – – – Scene 1. “Scrooge’s Office” Scrooge and Cratchett are sitting working at their desks. Cratchett is…


If you found the equation making sense of the creeping of vines along the ground, calculating future distance, depth and strength You could then connect it to the segmentation of musical stalactite scales or the spreading of the physiology of stars or fingers some kind of golden rule between creeping and spreading that only you would know and that would help you daily in your construction of the world’s largest hoard of sounds and spires


In thanks for all the submissions recieved for our evolution contest, the SCQ is happy to present a few lines of verse to you. Hopefully, we’ll be able to showcase the best of the submissions shortly, but for now, be cautioned that recitation of the following limericks during courting rituals may actually decrease reproductive fitness. – – – There once was a young man named Darwin Who spent five years tossed to the far wind He wrote a book for his peers After only twenty short years And now he’s as pop as George Carlin. They say we all came…


I am an avid reader of The Onion. For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about please be rest assured that I’m not some sort of weirdo who looks for messages in tea leaves and the like. Perhaps the name of a vegetable is a rather unusual choice for a satirical periodical, although I would have to disagree with anyone who felt that any prior publications of this genre had set lasting precedents. The more absurd the name is the better, and as we all know, absurdity is inherent to human existence. To clarify this thought I…


Erwin loved the cat that Niels had given him. Such a lovely cat. He would play records for his cat while he thought and studied deep into the night, and his cat would gently rub against his leg. • When Orpheus laid his eyes upon Eurydice, all else fell away. Though the nuptials were doomed, his fair lyre still sung out the most beauteous chords, so that even the Gods were said to stop and listen. • As Erwin sat at his desk, his eyes and mind became crowded with infinite possibilities. With all of the seemingly impossible theories, though…


For all the movement it was making, it was very silent. For all the movement around it, it was still very silent. At six stories tall, it is, like most New Yorkers, very slender. No longer green, one immediately knows this one has been around the block for many years. When my mother met my father, across the seas, it was here. When the Empire State Building was the tallest of its kind, it was here. When I had my coffee this morning, it was here still. When the jackhammers were rattling earth in the pre-dawn hours today, it shed…


(In which, we are proud to announce the launch of “Terry.”) It has to be spread out, the skin of this planet, has to be ironed, the sea in its whiteness; and the hands keep moving, smoothing the holy surfaces. In Praise of Ironing, PABLO NERUDA * * * It has to be loved the way a laundress loves her linens, the way she moves her hands caressing the fine muslins knowing their warp and woof, like a lover coaxing, or a mother praising. It has to be loved as if it were embroidered with flowers and birds and two…


A small cell, alone in the world, in the republic of cells.. The basic structure of life would not be nearly as interesting if it weren’t for its ability to create more cells. If you think the “random” separations between cell cycle phases are about as tenuous to remember as the first 30 digits of Pi, then you probably haven’t seen a cell shake its booty to the Pink Flamingos in a Fritz Langesque vignette yet. (includes audio) For more information about cell cycle and mitosis, check out the following link. * * * (REPRINTED FROM ISSUE ONE, APRIL 25th,…


Help wanted- Vigilant and patient people wanted for an extremely tedious job over about six months. The job involves repetitive work and some lifting. Experience using scanner equipment would be advantageous. Commitment to literature and science essential. Good pay for the right people. Apply Monday, September 6, at the Personnel office, sixth floor of the University of Toronto undergraduate library. (PRIVATE) Database First of its Kind at U of T (Toronto Star, April 12, 200-). Librarians at the University of Toronto have excitedly unveiled their latest toy- a huge database containing not only an index of the over one million…