From creative


In its initial state, I is a member of the set {afraid, petrified}. Hypothesis: U is a necessary condition for I. Under the initial assumptions, we may consider that IU == U, for values of I near 1 and large values of U. However, integrating the function I / (U multiplied by differential di/dm * ewrong) over the range [night1…nightn], I grows strong for moderately large values of n as di/dm * ewrong approaches infinity, reducing the influence of U and allowing I to carry on. As U reaches the limit thus imposed, its initial stratospheric values are iteratively modified…


Lieserl – age 18, dark, serious girl. Dressed for today’s weather, but her clothes are dark and reminiscent of late 19th century style. Setting: Today, somewhere nearby. A simple over-head projector nearby. NOTES: The public first became aware of Einstein’s first illegitimate daughter, Lieserl, in 1987 when the first volume of his collected papers was published. Lieserl was born to Albert Einstein and Mileva Maric in 1902, two years before they officially married. She was born in Mileva’s home-town in Serbia and was given to members of Mileva’s family to raise. Albert was not there at the birth, nor did…


A few months before he died, a Nobel Prize winner wandered into my office, sat down, and proceeded to talk about science and ethics. He did this for about an hour. In fact, most of it boiled down to something like this. “Science is in a very interesting predicament these days. It has accelerated so much, in so little time, and has led to a glut of information. It has progressed beyond our wildest dreams, such that we can do amazing things, exciting things, even frightening things.” Of course, he said this stuff in a much less verbose way. The…


On page 1420 of the old Second Edition Webster’s Unabridged my father bought over 20 years ago for my brothers and me, it states that in music, a prelude is an introductory section or movement of a suite or fugue, and that since the 19th century it has become any short romantic composition. I was not quite four when my family moved to Vancouver from Manila. I remember it was the nearing the end of the rainy season, and it was overcast and grey. I was wearing my best dress – crinoline and lace that made a wedding cake of…


The Big Picture* The man on the radio is speaking of his specialty and passion, theoretical astrophysics. The interviewer frets the big ones, wants to know what is there, on the other side of the end of the universe. Wants to know what it was was then before the Big Bang happened. I’ve heard these questions before; heard my son, at seven, brood over them, though not so much now as when he was five. You try, at some point, to place yourself in the here and now. The astronomer has kept his mind open to these wide questions, the…


If you were to base a character on the moth called Bombyx dispar you could easily set your story in Count Wodzicki’s garden 1848 Your Bombyx could attach him or her upsidedown on Wodzicki’s trees contained in a hairy envelope just one egg among others Then Wodzicki, I don’t know if he’s good or bad, that’s up to you too numerous to remove all by hand introduces 100 Titmice and Goldcrests Birds! to gobble your Bombyx pre-emergence since on average 1 bird eats 2 eggs a minute in a 16-hour day 192,000 Bombyx gone Bombyx sure among them Or not,…


If you were to base a character on the moth called Bombyx dispar you could easily set your story in Count Wodzicki’s garden 1848 Your Bombyx could attach him or her upsidedown on Wodzicki’s trees contained in a hairy envelope just one egg among others Then Wodzicki, I don’t know if he’s good or bad, that’s up to you too numerous to remove all by hand introduces 100 Titmice and Goldcrests Birds! to gobble your Bombyx pre-emergence since on average 1 bird eats 2 eggs a minute in a 16-hour day 192,000 Bombyx gone Bombyx sure among them Or not,…


In case you missed it, yesterday was our one year birthday and as such our thoughts are now more seriously directed towards our print edition. Here is what we are thinking: We don’t want to actually make money out of this, because when you do, things get significantly more complicated. They become high maintenance so to speak – with taxation, copyright and distribution logistics to worry about. Although some view us as a literary endeavour, we are in truth a covert educational project designed primarily to get non-scientists to immerse themselves a little more into this science thing. This, we…