From creative


The SCQ is pleased to announce that AMBL and UBC’s Department of Creative Writing will be initiating a new outreach program aimed specifically at nurturing and combining the two acts of scientific exploration and creative writing. The program will encompass a one day fieldtrip opportunity and will be directed towards young children from the grade 6 and 7 levels. This program is slated to be offered beginning in early May (2008). Teachers from the Lower mainland are encouraged to contact us for more details. Many thanks to 826 Valencia for their insight and inspiration. – – – SAN FRANCISCO –…


Humans have a natural fear of dark places, and perhaps justifiably so. Light only penetrates the uppermost levels of the ocean. The ocean’s depths are reservoirs of darkness, containing within them wonders at the edge of imagination, and horrors beyond that boundary of creativity. For this is the realm of the beast, the majestic ruler of the ocean who periodically spreads his domain over this light forsaken realm. Awakening The beast felt a growing need inside him. It was not a conscious thought, or want, but an instinct long suppressed, until it could no longer be held, and bubbled its…


My eyes open to the world, to meet its vivid, awe-striking, vibrant imagery. I remain motionless, not wishing to disturb the steady balance of my eyes, frozen in space and time, lost in sheer curiosity and the silent delight of visualizing the world. My gaze drinks from this novel experience with light and flirts with my surroundings. At that moment, within my soft skull, I can sense a billion of tiny, sparkling nerve impulses, dancing with the excitement of feeling the touch of “Time”. Joy courses through my little body – in anticipation of the events that will invariably occur…


Because I was reading Robert Frost (“The Road Not Taken”) instead of studying for Gross Anatomy Two nerves diverge in a withered hand And sorry I cannot select the pair Just one answer – so I stand My palms sweaty, expression’s bland Under the proctor’s icy stare The first one’s got a yellow hue And shines beneath fluorescent light Myelin sheath is holding true That once sped signals out of view Through carpal tunnel and out of sight The other nerve, so too it lay Yellow, glossy, full of charm A bit smaller, but who’s to say Less important if…


“Hi everyone, I’m Jim Cuttlefish, your host for Animals Without Faces, says the big-eyed, tentacled face filling the television screen, “the show where contestants share face time with animals without faces.” “How about a big wave for today’s contestant — Marina!” he says, welcoming a young woman in SCUBA gear swimming into view next to him, “So Marina, tell us a little about your self.” “Well, I spend most of my time on the beach.” “Working on your tan?” Jim winks at the camera. “No, cleaning up litter, actually.” “I see. So tell us, Marina, what are you looking for…


A Christmas Play – – – Characters: Dr. Macy: a young female scientist Dr. Terrell: the ex-chairman of the department Charles Darwin: looking a bit like Santa Dr. Fred Gimble: Macy’s boyfriend Geemo: Macy’s daughter The Recombinant DNA BioSafety Committee Dr. Frankenstein, Dr. Vader, and the Invisible Man (Macy is in the lab, working.) Macy (on the phone): Yes, I know what time it is. (Pause) I’ll go home when I’m done – I mean, when she’s done. (She covers the phone and speaks to a flask full of media. ) This time it’ll work honey. I’m sure of it.…


It has come to our attention here at Pole Headquarters that something disastrous is occurring in regards to the Earth. It seems that there have been too many bad little boys and girls polluting the atmosphere with the byproducts of carbon fuels, causing world temperatures to rise. While we here at Pole Headquarters do not completely understand the science behind this, we have noted that our own workshops are beginning to sink into the ice, and that our candy striped North Pole is now leaning ominously. We can assure the world’s population that all manner of people from corporate planners…