From creative


The tour guide stood at the base of the structure and waited for people to catch up and shut up. This was a twice a day activity and it was hot. The structure was a tower 100 stories tall built more than a thousand years ago by an unknown civilization in the heart of the Amazon. The tour guide was a human about 160 cm tall built not quite 30 years ago by Ted and Irene Clark in the heart of Minnesota. An overly elongate sign stood to the tour guide’s left with a cartoonish representation of the tower and…


A curve is a dot that flew like a hawki. An icosahedron is a dot that didn’t know where to stopii. A scribble is a dot not knowing what it soughtiii. A circle is a dot that just goes round and round, A coil is a dot that keeps getting woundiv. An exclamation is a dot with an erectionv. An asterisk is a dot with hairvi. A Buckyball is a dot that was out there to shopvii. A doodle is a dot that dances a loti. A colon is a dot who found true loveviii. A knot is a dot…


It is one of those forests where, if you run fast enough, barefooted and alive, you can touch off – roots and ground- shadows become branches, green acorns, and shade falling asleep until you find yourself swimming in the clouds, not kicking but push-gliding, lungs and down-soft sun breathing in and out through every pore. A bird may nibble the moss from between your toes, but other than that you’d never know you were the least bit out of place. You’ll know you have arrived when you hear my footsteps approaching from behind the ocean. They plink, maroon-gold and bronze,…


I never realized the moonrise was so bloody. It hangs over the hazy lights of the city like an attacking alien planet, looking much more like Mars than Mars, which actually looks like a star, and is only slightly red if you squint really, really hard. Outside the city, on an empty access road, I get the best view I can afford, but even here in the prairies, I am resentful of all the things in my way. I’ve reaffirmed my vague ambition to drive to the desert and sleep under the stars sometime. I can imagine the huddled masses…


Adam and Eve, naked and not smart, sat somewhere in the Garden of Eden. A snake slithered afoot. It said, “Tss, come gorge yourselves upon the forbidden fruit and escape from your self-incarceration in the prison of ignorance.” Adam and Eve looked at each other, shrugged, and started having sex. The snake shook its head and took a pair of quick bites from Adam’s and Eve’s ass cheeks. “Yow!” they yelled. The couple quickly grew afraid and looked upon the snake much the same way they looked upon God. The snake said, “Tss, tss, follow me.” The snake snaked its…


Erwin loved the cat that Niels had given him. Such a lovely cat. He would play records for his cat while he thought and studied deep into the night, and his cat would gently rub against his leg. • When Orpheus laid his eyes upon Eurydice, all else fell away. Though the nuptials were doomed, his fair lyre still sung out the most beauteous chords, so that even the Gods were said to stop and listen. • As Erwin sat at his desk, his eyes and mind became crowded with infinite possibilities. With all of the seemingly impossible theories, though…


For all the movement it was making, it was very silent. For all the movement around it, it was still very silent. At six stories tall, it was, like most New Yorkers, very slender. No longer green, one immediately knows this one has been around the block for many years. When my mother met my father, across the seas, it was here. When the Empire State Building was the tallest of its kind, it was here. When I had my coffee this morning, it was, still, here. When the jackhammers were going in the pre dawn hours today, it shed…