From creative


Drawing ludicrous cartoons to memorize scores of gory scientific details has always been an incredible pastime for me. After all, why study off of stacks of flashcards with miniscule writing on them when you can study off pictures instead, as well as have a jolly time envisioning the crazy things you drew while writing the stressful final? And for those who firmly believe that they have no artistic ability whatsoever, rest assured that doodling, especially extremely random and ghastly-looking things, is a no sweat activity! That’s because you don’t have to be an artist to do this! You own your…


(Wherein the Empire of State Government attacks the Academic Alliance) Characters: Darth Governor (feel free to replace “Governor” with the name of your state’s Governor) Senator Professor Leia Dean Luke Chancellor Yoda The Emperor Queen Amadala – – – Darth Governor and a Senator enter (Darth Vader music). Darth Governor: The Academic Alliance has thwarted you again Senator. They have misled you with all their talk of how the Empire is crippling the university. Senator: But Lord Governor, they say that by crippling the university we are hurting the Empire. Darth Governor: Of course they say that, but you are…


I was a vegan, you know. That was my choice. All the others—well, as soon my siblings wriggled free from the amber chambers of our pupal stage, they began to indulge their taste for the fetid and putrefying. They dove into the waxy mustard lakes of Aunt Peggy’s deviled eggs, lapping at stale currents of cayenne that dappled her discarded delights; they flew straight through tin-toothed mouths into hollow cans of cat food, kissing every centimeter of metal to sponge up flecks of flesh from what was once a fancy feast. And when Tiger graced the lawn with yet more…


(With respect to Margaret Wise Brown marvelous words). – – – Goodnight Luna. Goodnight spacecraft orbiting Luna. Goodnight Chang’e, And the Lunokhod rovers. Goodnight norite. Goodnight dunite. Goodnight granophyre, And goodnight vitrophyre. Goodnight olivine, And goodnight pyroxene. Goodnight gabbronorite, And goodnight labradorite. Goodnight orthoclase, And goodnight anorthosite. Goodnight hypersthene, Goodnight troctolite, And goodnight to the reflectors waiting for light. Goodnight Surveyor. Goodnight Ranger. Goodnight landers everywhere.


Creationist theory is moot. Nature chose an alternative route / root. You’ve seen Darwin’s chart. You know me by heart– I’m the white guy up front in a suit. Unfounded beliefs and defiance, In obedience more than compliance. Here’s hoping (in vain?) That good faith will soon gain A greater alliance with science. AGE-OLD QUESTIONS In various legends and labels, Lies are the true term for “fables.” The egg or the hen: Which was first? Tell me WHEN, And did navels precede Cain and Abel’s?


Tales of Wonder from the Land of Lab: Fairy Tales and Bedtime Stories for Scientists – – – Once upon a time in a Lab far far away, Princess Jane was a second year graduate student trying to clone a gene from maize. It was a bold and difficult Task set by her Supervisor. Jane toiled day and night optimizing her reactions, but to no avail. The Task was incomplete and the deadline fast approaching. “If I don’t finish this part of the project soon, then my thesis will be incomplete,” she thought sadly. One evening, as Princess Jane was…


(Written on January 18th, 2010. Everyone in the class defined either “science” or “writing”. We then compiled them to define creativity.) – – – Creativity is exploring and discovering things unknown to man, the study of life and the literature of learning, discovering new and old things. It is putting your mind on a piece of paper. Creativity is mixing chemicals and trying experiments. It is poetry and books. Without it, the world would not be complete. It’s a way to express yourself in a poem or a song, to make explosions. Creativity is an idea that comes from your…


During my commute home a few weeks ago, I came across an old classmate from high school. After our initial exchange of typical greetings, we customarily inquired each other about our current endeavors. I quickly learned that he obtained a Bachelor of Business Administration from Simon Fraser University and is currently working for a small company. When asked about my work/school status, I answered with my instinctive “I’m doing grad school” response. This wasn’t the first time someone met my answer with an empty stare followed by a pseudo-empathetic nod. He obviously wasn’t satisfied with my simple reply so he…


Original article can be found at our Science Scout site. – – – (Acronyms used: SSBFME = Science Scout Badges Free Market Economy) So… It’s been a few years since the Science Scouts were born, and (at last count) we have received over 300 emails from various Indian or Chinese Embroidery companies looking to “offer their badge making services.” Finally, we’re now of mind to finally lay out a game plan for the selling and obtaining of these Science Scout badges, physically. And basically, we’re going with the free market model – specifically the SSBFME. In other words, if you…