What is evolution? Who was Darwin? What do the words Darwinism, natural selection, or survival of the fittest really mean? These words and phrases have been bandied around over the past century, used interchangeably, frequently in the news, and known very much as players of one of the most controversial topics in our society today. Basically, Darwin opened a pretty large can of worms when he wrote “On the Origin of Species” in 1859, and the impact of “The Descent of Man” can still be felt today. In short, evolution is the process whereby species arise. Natural selection is a…
The Science Creative Quarterly
By veronicalo
Veronica Lo is a M.Sc. Candidate at the Institute of Resources, Environment and Sustainability. She hails from the undeservedly unpopular Toronto and has called Vancouver home for about a year. Some of her favourite haunts include UBC's rose and Japanese gardens, Spanish Banks, the St. John's College quad, and the line-up for the "gooey cinnamon buns" at Alma and Broadway, from which she derives energy and inspiration to write her never-ending thesis proposal.