1. Claim CA005: Evolution promotes racism. 2. Claim CA010: Homosexuality is considered acceptable and even desirable by most evolutionists, who point out that homosexuality is common in many species. 3. Claim CA041: Students should be taught all sides of a controversial issue. Evolution should not be taught without teaching the controversy that surrounds it. 4. Claim CB301: The eye is too complex to have evolved. 5. Claim CE010: NASA scientists, using computers to track planetary motions, discovered that a day of time was missing, corresponding to biblical accounts of the sun’s standing still for Joshua for almost a day, plus…
The Science Creative Quarterly
By talkorigins
The "Index to Creationist Claims" is edited by Mark Isaak, (copyright 2004) and information presented here is reprinted with permission as detailed in The Talk.Origins copyright policy.
1. Claim CA005: Evolution promotes racism. 2. Claim CA010: Homosexuality is considered acceptable and even desirable by most evolutionists, who point out that homosexuality is common in many species. 3. Claim CA041: Students should be taught all sides of a controversial issue. Evolution should not be taught without teaching the controversy that surrounds it. 4. Claim CB301: The eye is too complex to have evolved. 5. Claim CE010: NASA scientists, using computers to track planetary motions, discovered that a day of time was missing, corresponding to biblical accounts of the sun’s standing still for Joshua for almost a day, plus…