“The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the Nobel Prize in Physics to Yoichiro Nambu.”—Press Release, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences – – – FREDDY MIND: To begin with, let me introduce myself. My name is Freddy Mind. It’s a stage name. I was once one-half of the physics duo of Freddy Mind & Yoichiro Nambu. This man to my right, he needs no introduction! Go ahead and introduce yourself, Yoshey. YOICHIRO NAMBU (softly): My name is Yoichiro Nambu, and I won the Nobel Prize for physics. MIND (laughs): When you think of good ol’ Yoshey,…
The Science Creative Quarterly
By Mike Sacks
Mike Sacks has written for Vanity Fair, Esquire, GQ, The New Yorker, Time,
McSweeney¹s, Radar, MAD, New York Observer, Premiere, Believer, Vice, Maxim, Women¹s Health, and Salon. He has worked at The Washington Post, and is currently on the editorial staff of Vanity Fair.