(Evidence for FSM) “Its roots stretch back to design arguments made by Socrates and Plato,2 and even the term “intelligent design” is more than 100 years old. Oxford scholar F.C.S. Schiller employed it in an 1897 essay, writing that “it will not be possible to rule out the supposition that the process of Evolution may be guided by an intelligent design.” … From the uses Thaxton ran across at conferences and in his back issues of Science, Thaxton saw that intelligent design was already a functioning term in science, and it was just a matter of extending the term to…
The Science Creative Quarterly
By johnsigler
John Sigler is a writer and activist (Maintain Educational Standards in Colorado) based in Colorado. After noting how being named a "fellow" of a think tank today makes one a modern oracle, a sibyl qualified to discuss any and all issues as an expert (e.g. note the "experts" of the Discovery Institute, the American Enterprise Institute, the Heritage Foundation, et al.), I simply could not pass up the opportunity to be named a "fellow" of the Enlightenment Institute. In that I have a great deal to say on many different topics, I certainly hope that essays such as this for the Enlightenment Institute will result in my acquisition of "fellow" status.