Note that this piece was written to accompany an excellent radio documentary series produced by the award winning Cited, and called “Technocracy and its Discontents.” Click here to catch the first episode, “The Science Wars”. * * * There has been something rather strange happening in a marginal corner of the humanities called science studies. Science studies is claiming itself responsible for creating our ‘post-truth’ political climate. These left-wing scholars are reckoning with the uncomfortable possibility that their sophisticated sociological investigations of science enabled climate denialism, Donald Trump, and the Brexit campaign (Fuller, 2018; Latour, 2004). What are we to make…
The Science Creative Quarterly
By Gordon Katic
Gordon Katic is an award-winning radio producer and journalist with a background in health, science, and climate reporting. He hosts Cited, a program about the politics of science and academia. When he’s not making radio, he’s working on a PhD at the University of Toronto focussed on science communication. Previously, he earned a Masters in Journalism from the University of British Columbia.