By gabrielleprendergast

Gabrielle Prendergast is a writer who enjoys telling people that she is a writer and waiting for them to ask "oh what do you write" and then telling them she writes screenplays and then waiting for them to say "Oh, I've been thinking about writing a screenplay". She hopes one day to meet a brain surgeon to whom she can say "Oh, I've been thinking about doing some brain surgery". Currently undertaking an MFA at UBC She lives in White Rock, BC with her husband and daughter.


Help wanted- Vigilant and patient people wanted for an extremely tedious job over about six months. The job involves repetitive work and some lifting. Experience using scanner equipment would be advantageous. Commitment to literature and science essential. Good pay for the right people. Apply Monday, September 6, at the Personnel office, sixth floor of the University of Toronto undergraduate library. (PRIVATE) Database First of its Kind at U of T (Toronto Star, April 12, 200-). Librarians at the University of Toronto have excitedly unveiled their latest toy- a huge database containing not only an index of the over one million…


Help wanted- Vigilant and patient people wanted for an extremely tedious job over about six months. The job involves repetitive work and some lifting. Experience using scanner equipment would be advantageous. Commitment to literature and science essential. Good pay for the right people. Apply Monday, September 6, at the Personnel office, sixth floor of the University of Toronto undergraduate library. (PRIVATE) Database First of its Kind at U of T (Toronto Star, April 12, 200-). Librarians at the University of Toronto have excitedly unveiled their latest toy- a huge database containing not only an index of the over one million…