By clairezulkey

Claire Zulkey only has a Bachelor's Degree. She's working on her Master's Degree at Northwestern University but since she works with PhDs all day, she is aware that she is still not very intelligent. She runs two websites, and, both of which deal with writing. One is sillier, one is not. She has also written for some magazines and newspapers.


Chicken Pox This is the Frank Sinatra of animal-themed sicknesses. A timeless classic, although the younger generations might not appreciate it. I remember fondly going to a Fourth of July Parade as a child, just recovering from the pox, and my mom not letting me look around too much lest other parents see my pox and get upset for contaminating everyone else. I also have a few choice scars from the ol’ poxy. Drawback: Some children are getting ‘vaccinated’ for this. Wimps. Avian Flu While this is the hot disease of the moment, it still can’t measure up to the…


– FROM THE ARCHIVE – Chicken Pox This is the Frank Sinatra of animal-themed sicknesses. A timeless classic, although the younger generations might not appreciate it. I remember fondly going to a Fourth of July Parade as a child, just recovering from the pox, and my mom not letting me look around too much lest other parents see my pox and get upset for contaminating everyone else. I also have a few choice scars from the ol’ poxy. Drawback: Some children are getting ‘vaccinated’ for this. Wimps. Avian Flu While this is the hot disease of the moment, it still…


Chicken Pox This is the Frank Sinatra of animal-themed sicknesses. A timeless classic, although the younger generations might not appreciate it. I remember fondly going to a Fourth of July Parade as a child, just recovering from the pox, and my mom not letting me look around too much lest other parents see my pox and get upset for contaminating everyone else. I also have a few choice scars from the ol’ poxy. Drawback: Some children are getting ‘vaccinated’ for this. Wimps. Avian Flu While this is the hot disease of the moment, it still can’t measure up to the…