By clairesalvador

Claire has a degree that incorporates both biology and creative writing. She currently works as an andrologist for a fertility centre, and is somehow affiliated with the esseequeue. After years of being afraid of water, she is finally learning how to swim.


In electric confrontations, the clouds gather, grow dark, and grumble their dissent. They lumber about like gravid beasts, heavy bellies aimed at the earth below; a slow dance that lasts for days. Then, like a crescendo, it rains. Not an unusual phenomenon in this urban area of the west coast trapped between the mountains and the sea. The geometric nature of the city provides a horizon of percussive surfaces in the form of concrete stalagmites that have colonized what once was a temperate rainforest. What trees remain have been landscaped into place. And water batters into the foliage, each leaf…


On page 1420 of the old Second Edition Webster’s Unabridged my father bought over 20 years ago for my brothers and me, it states that in music, a prelude is an introductory section or movement of a suite or fugue, and that since the 19th century it has become any short romantic composition. I was not quite four when my family moved to Vancouver from Manila. I remember it was the nearing the end of the rainy season, and it was overcast and grey. I was wearing my best dress – crinoline and lace that made a wedding cake of…


eyed with atlantic possibilities far beyond our sensibilities a depth so indigo starfalls time in a recycled surge and flow to obfuscate be wilder wisdom from such limited dimension (an inconceivable expanse of sea) by our gracefoolish linearity (onward ever we cycle persisting because a system can be ordered at the expense of disordering its surroundings) so much randomness rearranged we can never reach from this narrow frame equilibrium (enlightenment) through mere scientific disestablishment destined to be continously reborn into joy reversed, forlorn * * * (REPRINTED FROM ISSUE ONE, JUNE 6th, 2005)


In electric confrontations, the clouds gather, grow dark, and grumble their dissent. They lumber about like gravid beasts, heavy bellies aimed at the earth below; a slow dance that lasts for days. Then, like a crescendo, it rains. Not an unusual phenomenon in this urban area of the west coast trapped between the mountains and the sea. The geometric nature of the city provides a horizon of percussive surfaces in the form of concrete stalagmites that have colonized what once was a temperate rainforest. What trees remain have been landscaped into place. And water batters into the foliage, each leaf…