Over half of the American population requires some degree of vision correction.[1] Eyeglasses and contact lenses remain the most common tools to restore proper eyesight but they are sometimes inconvenient. Not surprisingly, laser refractive surgery is becoming a popular option in vision correction for many people. Each year over a million Americans have a trained professional shine a high-powered laser in their eyes at a cost of $1500 to $2500 per eye.[1-3] The procedure is quick and almost painless, the recovery time is surprisingly short, and the results are nothing short of a miracle; however, nothing comes without a price.…
The Science Creative Quarterly
From January, 2006
This is a knitted model of DNA, complete with GC/TA base pairs represented by orange-green bars with a pointed join and blue-yellow bars with a stepped join (because there weren’t enough stitches to make a wave or curve), replicating the standard simplified DNA model. As you can see from the picture, it also makes a good toy insofar as it holds its shape while squished or stretched, because it is stuffed firmly with cotton balls. It was made with two equal black twisted tubes on size US 3 double-pointed needles (see the double-pointed needle tutorial and/or the tutorial on twisted…
eyed with atlantic possibilities far beyond our sensibilities a depth so indigo starfalls time in a recycled surge and flow to obfuscate be wilder wisdom from such limited dimension (an inconceivable expanse of sea) by our gracefoolish linearity (onward ever we cycle persisting because a system can be ordered at the expense of disordering its surroundings) so much randomness rearranged we can never reach from this narrow frame equilibrium (enlightenment) through mere scientific disestablishment destined to be continously reborn into joy reversed, forlorn * * * (REPRINTED FROM ISSUE ONE, JUNE 6th, 2005)
From the time of Charles Darwin, it has been the dream of many biologists to reconstruct the evolutionary history of all organisms on Earth and express it in the form of a phylogenetic tree. Phylogeny uses evolutionary distance, or evolutionary relationship, as a way of classifying organisms (taxonomy). Phylogenetic relationship between organisms is given by the degree and kind of evolutionary distance. To understand this concept better, let us define taxonomy. Taxonomy is the science of naming, classifying and describing organisms. Taxonomists arrange the different organisms in taxa (groups). These are then further grouped together depending on biological similarities. This…
The biochemical potential of a cell to carry out specific chemical reactions is nothing short of enormous. Even the simplest of cells have the ability to catalyze over a thousand reactions, only a subset of which is required at any given time. In order to save energy and resources, the cell needs to regulate these reactions such that only those that are necessary are carried out. In simplest terms, this involves a two-component system: one for sensing environmental conditions and thus metabolic needs, the other for translating these needs into a regulatory mechanism that can induce or suppress pathways according…
Inspired by: Cavalcanti, S.M.C. and Knowlton F.F., 1998. Evaluation of physical and behavioral traits of llamas associated with aggressiveness toward sheep-threatening canids. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 61(2): 143-158 Franklin, W.L. and Powell, K., 1993. Guard llamas. Iowa State University—University Extension Publication, Ames, IA, 12 pp. Markham, D., 1990. Llamas Are the Ultimate: Training, Feeding, Packing, Hunting, Fishing, and Care. Snake River Llamas, Idaho Falls, ID, pp. 8–14. Markham, D., 1993. Warning to coyotes; this sheep ranch is guarded by llamas. Rocky Mountain Livestock Journal, Dec.-Jan., 29–33. Meadows, L.E. and Knowlton, F.F., 2000. Efficacy of guard llamas to reduce canine predation…
(This paper was designed by a group of students for a class project, and as such is completely fabricated) TITLE: Stoners eat your broccoli: Folic acid enhances the effects of cannabinoids at behavioral, cellular, and transcriptional levels ABSTRACT: Recent interest in cannabinoid receptors as therapeutic targets has spurred the investigation into the physiochemical responses to their activation. The cannabinoid pathways in mammalian systems of adult male CD1 mice were investigated using a combinatorial approach based on folic acid mediated response. Various tests of cannabimimetic activity of folic acid showed that the combination of folic acid with either AEA (N-arachidonoylethanolamine, ananamide)…
ABSTRACT: Recent political efforts to broaden the scope of science education and bring science into the mainstream have generated a great deal of controversy. One of the things that has been sorely missing is the relationship between mathematics and religion. Here we attempt to inject a greater mathematical essence into religion as well as explore one immediate implication, the Immaculate Induction Hypothesis. 1. INTRODUCTION: We focus on the injection of a greater mathematical sensibility within the religious community and examine the resulting implications. In doing so we agree that intelligent design is a valid viewpoint, but ask what this implies.…
A crab might compete with a lobster for grotesqueness rolling back carpets or just have one claw feeding upsidedown in an underwater whirlwind or wearing fancy stripes with plaid but the lobster will just sit there letting the tomfoolery tumble over her backside she’ll do nothing but let her whiskers be taken in time-honored ribbons by the swift dark sea not moving an inch and win by a mile